Thursday 8 January 2015

French Islamic groups urge Muslims to condemn terrorism

France's main Islamic groups urged Muslims across the country to observe a minute of
silence on Thursday and for imams to condemn terrorism in the wake of the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine.
The groups called on "Muslim citizens of France to observe a minute of silence today at midday, along with the rest of the nation, in memory of the victims of terrorism."
The appeal - issued by Muslim assemblies from across France - also called on imams at Friday prayers to "condemn the violence and the terrorism with maximum firmness".
Muslim citizens were also asked to join "in massive numbers" a national day of solidarity on Sunday where demonstrators are expected to take to the streets of towns across France.
Police were frantically hunting two men who fled Paris on Wednesday after gunning down 12 people in an attack on Charlie Hebdo, apparently in retaliation for the magazine's defiant stance in publishing cartoons they deemed offensive to Islam.

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