Friday 19 September 2014

Ebola Outbreak: Why China, World Bank Aren't Giving Aid To Nigeria

China has announced a donation of $32.5 million and the World Bank has approved a $105 million grant to support the fight against Ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea
Foreign aid for countries battling the Ebola outbreak has continued to pour in with China announcing a donation of$32.5 million and the World Bank approving Foreign aid for countries battling the Ebola outbreak has continued to pour in with China announcing a donation of $32.5 million and the World Bank approving a $105 million grant to boost efforts to combat the disease.
However, the aid from China and the World Bank will only be given to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea because they are the worst hit by the disease.
Nigeria was not named among the countries to benefit from the aid funds and it is believed that this is because Ebola has been successfully contained in the nation and even at its peak it didn’t infect as many people as in the 3 disease-ravaged nations.
The President of China, Xi Jinping announced on Thursday, September 18, 2014 that the Asian nation would provide 200 million Yuan ($ 32.54 million) to be used for an aid package which would include cash, food and materials.
The president added that China would also give the World Health Organization and the African Union $2 million each, CCTV reports.
The World Bank approved a grant of $105 million on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 to combat Ebola also in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
According to Reuters,the grant will be used to speed up delivery of emergency supplies and provide support for healthcare workers in the three West African countries worst affected by the Ebola crisis.
World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim said:
 “The world needs to do much, much more to respond to the Ebola crisis in these three countries,”
Tim Evans, the head of the World Bank’s health group said:
“Containing the Ebola epidemic has been hampered by the already fragile health systems in the affected countries. In turn, this is putting recent health gains in the region at serious risk,”
Ebola has killed over 2600 people since it broke out in March with only 8 of that number being in Nigeria while Liberia has been the worst hit$105 million grant to boost efforts to combat the disease.
However, the aid from China and the World Bank will only be given to LiberiaSierra Leone and Guinea because they are the worst hit by the disease.
Nigeria was not named among the countries to benefit from the aid funds and it is believed that this is because Ebola has been successfully contained in the nation and even at its peak it didn’t infect as many people as in the 3 disease-ravaged nations.
The President of China, Xi Jinping announced on Thursday, September 18, 2014 that the Asian nation would provide 200 million Yuan ($ 32.54 million) to be used for an aid package which would include cash, food and materials.
The president added that China would also give the World Health Organization and the African Union $2 million each, CCTV reports.
The World Bank approved a grant of $105 million on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 to combat Ebola also in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
According to Reuters,the grant will be used to speed up delivery of emergency supplies and provide support for healthcare workers in the three West African countries worst affected by the Ebola crisis.
World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim said:
 “The world needs to do much, much more to respond to the Ebola crisis in these three countries,”
Tim Evans, the head of the World Bank’s health group said:
“Containing the Ebola epidemic has been hampered by the already fragile health systems in the affected countries. In turn, this is putting recent health gains in the region at serious risk,”
Ebola has killed over 2600 people since it broke out in March with only 8 of that number being in Nigeria while Liberia has been the worst hit

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