Tuesday 13 May 2014

Zimbabwe group expresses solidarity with Chibok families

 Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, the pro-democracy group, expressed solidarity and support to the families of the schoolgirls the Boko Haram sect abducted in Chibok, Borno State recently.
“We are fully cognisant of the anguish and pain the families are going through. We also welcome the international support that has been rendered to the Nigerian government towards finding and rescuing the abducted girls,” said Mfundo Mlilo, the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition spokesperson.
He urged the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and African Union (AU) members to play their part in rescuing the girls.
“These are after all African children,” Mlilo added.
The notorious Boko Haram sect kidnapped the more than 200 girls more than three weeks ago.
The whereabouts of the children has been a cause for concern for the international community.
There have been some reports they will be sold into marriage or slavery.
Mlilo condemned the kidnapping of the schoolchildren.
“We view Boko Haram’s cruelty and violence against civilians and the girl child in particular as an unconscionable act and a gross violation of human rights. Insults against the liberty of children and the targeting of schools are unconventional methods of warfare prohibited under international law. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits “abduction, sale or traffic of children for any purpose,” Mlilo added.

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