Wednesday 7 May 2014

"I Have Never Slept With Any Man For Money" Tiwa Savage Blasts Etcetera For His Article About '2nd Hand Husbands'

Nigerian Pop singer, Tiwa Savage, has apparently had enough of ex-musician-cum-journalist, Etcetera and his antics and has responded strongly to him via her Instagram page.
Etcetera had put out a column via Punch Newspaper where he made numerous comments about Nigerian female celebrities, and how they marry 2nd hand husbands. He also wrote that some of the female celebrities sleep with men for money.
Read Etcetera’s column below.
“Some days ago I was at a friend’s place and was asked by his sisters if I was traveling abroad for the wedding of a colleague that is still being talked about on blogs and on all social networking sites in Nigeria and I said no I wasn’t.
But what struck me as odd was when one of them asked me “is she getting married to a brand new husband or a 2nd hand husband”? I stared at her in shock and confusion because up until that moment, I had never heard of a phrase as “brand new or 2nd hand husband. It became a heated debate amongst people in the house that day.
‘Wow’, I never thought a phrase like 2nd hand can be attributed to a human being. I know it is only applicable to objects. At first I was angry. How could they have said such? But as crazy and odd as it may have sounded, they drew my attention to their observations that it is a trend currently popular amongst female celebrities in Nigeria. The guys in the house even tweaked it into a joke. Adding that it is a normal thing in Nigeria that when you can’t afford a brand new car you go for a 2nd hand one. I couldn’t help but laugh at that one.
But on my way home, I thought about it for a minute and asked myself if truly a 2nd hand or brand new theory can be a determinant in finding a husband? It got me staring at every car passing by, trying to understand the rationale behind the argument of a 2nd hand husband and a brand new one.
How do you determine if a husband is a 2nd hand? I asked myself. I was later told that a man becomes a 2nd hand if he was previously married or is still married to another woman before taking a new wife. And that a 2nd hand husband just like a 2nd hand car comes in two types. Nigerian used and Tokunbo. Meaning the husband who was previously married and living here in Nigeria is the “Nigerian used”, while the one shipped in from abroad is the Tokunbo version. Shocking isn’t it?
Ok, let us analyse this for a minute. It is a known fact that in Nigeria, when you want to buy a 2nd hand car you are strongly advised to take a mechanic with you. So can you also do the same with a 2nd hand husband? Should it also be recommended that when going for a 2nd hand husband you should make sure to take a medical doctor to administer all the necessary check-ups to be sure you are not getting damaged goods?”
Tiwa Savage didn’t take too kindly to these words, and I’m sure some other things he might have said, and went on instagram to dish out some really harsh words to the artist. She’s really pissed about the affair.

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